Hi there! And thanks for your interest in writing for Famous Mathematicians.
We are interested in receiving well-written, unique content posts which will engage our current audience and inspire them to follow in the steps of Famous Mathematicians.
So if you have a great article you’d like to share, keep reading below and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Guest Post Guidelines
Before submitting your post, please take note of the following guidelines:
- Your submission will be reviewed and if it will be beneficial to Famous-Mathematicians.com readers, it is likely to be published.
- Posts must be high-quality, original content and not be published elsewhere.
- Your article must be a minimum of 750 words long.
- Posts may not be political or religious in nature.
- Be sure to check your spelling, grammar, punctuation and readable English. (We suggest www.grammarly.com or similar)
- Ensure any links are relevant to the topic and working.
- Product reviews may be accepted, however we do not accept any affiliate links.
- Use of headings, bullets, lists and short paragraphs is highly encouraged as it makes the reading experience much better.
- You may include a short Author Bio with your article and link to your main website.
- Submit your proposed article via e-mail to contact@famous-mathematicians.com. Word document is our preferred format. Also include any images which you would like to show (however, these are not mandatory).
Guest posts are generally reviewed within 1 week and if accepted will be published within 3 weeks.
The Author may be given a link back to their site.
Publishing Tips
- We can’t emphasize enough to proof read your article and ensure it has a good English reading flow. We are happy to fix up minor amendments, however we will ask you to resubmit it if this process takes up too much of our time.
- If you really want to impress us, place 1 Internal link within the article that link to other pages or posts already on Famous-Mathematicians.com. Again, this saves us time and gets your post published sooner.
- Headings, headings, headings! This is probably the main thing we are constantly adding to the submissions we receive. Ensure your post has 1 x H1 heading (Title); at least 2 x H2 headings (Introduction and Conclusion); and H3 headings (Lists, Events, Key Contributions, Pros and Cons, etc). If unsure, look at the most recently published articles.
Topics We Will Publish
If you’re not 100% sure what to write about, here’s a suggested list of topics we are happy to publish on the site:
- Famous mathematicians biographies (past or present)
- Mathematical ideas aimed at beginners / high school or university level
- Maths in daily life
- Focused lists of mathematicians with short bios that can link to full bios
- Key contributions in specific topic areas or industries
- Book reviews (not text books unless of general interest)
Please note we are unlikely to publish highly technical mathematical articles, or ‘proofs’.
How To Submit Your Guest Post
If you would like to submit your guest post for review, please email me your proposed post to contact@famous-mathematicians.com with “Guest Post Submission” in the subject line.
Please include the following:
- Your full name
- The URL of your blog or website (if applicable)
- Your post title
- Your post in a word document (Google docs is also fine)
- Attach any relevant images in sufficient resolution for web
- A
short author’s biography (2-3 sentences)
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.